Thursday, January 01, 2009

Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009!

For us, 2008 was a year of ups and downs. It's been so much fun watching K get another year older, and her vocabulary and imagination have increased exponentially. So has the arguing and stubbornness, unfortunately, but that comes with the territory!

I lost my last grandmother in May. G still has once grandmother left, so it's good K will know at least one great-grandmother. It's just hard to see your parents and grandparents age, and it's sad knowing they won't be around forever.

2008 brought us two more miscarriages, but also a diagnosis, so that's good news. With any luck, we can keep trying and intervene soon enough that we can have one more baby. But we've come to terms with the fact that K may be an only child, and that's OK too. But we don't want to give up hope yet.

Career-wise, things are flowing smoothly. 2008 didn't bring any major changes, so that's a good thing, especially in these times of recession and downsizing. We are grateful to be teachers. There will always be kids to teach!

2009 is looking good. We have a trip planned in April to New York for my sister's wedding, and all three of us are in the wedding party. We will spend our usual 2 weeks in Durango, Colorado in mid-summer, which is always a lot of fun. I also want to plan small trips for K, such as Six Flags, Hurricane Harbor, and camping.

I wish each and every one of you a very safe and happy 2009!

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