Sunday, June 10, 2007

Big Loser

My husband is a big loser. I mean that in the kindest possible way. He's a wonderful person... he just loses things. I'll bet he's bought 5 cell phone rechargers, because every time he's out of town, he leaves it in the hotel room.

Last night we went out to eat and then to Home Depot, and when he got home, he realized he didn't have his cell phone with him. We called both places, but neither one had a phone turned in. We called the phone itself, but no one ever picked up. When I called it this morning, it went straight to voice mail, so I think that means the battery has died.

Maybe I'm lucky I'm a girl and carry a purse. I've never taken my phone anywhere and left it, or had it fall out of its little waistband clip thingy. I use it, and put it right back in my purse. Should I make him carry a purse? A man-purse? A murse?

Anyway, looks like he's getting a new phone. I think this was all a ploy to get a new iPhone. I need to start losing more things. Then I'll get new ones!

1 comment:

Dana Lynne said...

Hmmm...sounds suspiciously clever of him...if he didn't already have a history of losing things, I'd definitely think something's up! But I know how it is...I'm constantly misplacing my phone...and then the battery dies...the last time that happened, Richard finally found it under a magazine in the bathroom! HA! Kinda weird, I guess!