Monday, April 30, 2007


Tonight K was in the bathtub, and she was cleaning her various parts as I named them.

Whenever she has a stinky diaper, I make a big deal over it, and say "Pee-yew! You're stinky!"

Well, as she got closer to her girly-parts, I was all set to say the technical name for it, when she said "Pee-yew!" and pointed proudly right to her nether-region.

Great. Is it possible I'm already giving her a complex?

1 comment:

headlesschickie said...

I'm thinking there's no way to keep a child complex free in this subject. If your cool and casual you fear they'll be too liberated, but if you're pink cheeked and shifty eyed they'll certainly pick up those vibes too!

I figure I'll call the anatomy the cute names I'm comfortable hearing, and soon enough their peers will share their own terms!!