Sunday, February 18, 2007

Whew! We Made It

We made it down to Austin and back for the baby shower. By "we," I mean K and I. Yep, we flew solo.

My friend's older daughter woke up with a slight fever, and she hadn't eatern her dinner the night before. She seemed like she was feeling OK, but that's such a tough call to make. She understandibly decided not to make the trip.

That left me to go it alone with a 20-month-old.

I stopped by my friend's house first and got the baby gift to take to the shower. She also loaned me her car DVD player. (Note to self: Must buy one of those!)

We hit the road. It took us a little over four hours to get there, including a stop for lunch and gas. We arrived at the shower about a half-hour late.

We had a great time. My college roommate looks awesome, even at 7 months pregnant. Her whole family was there, and they are all terrific. It was so great to catch up with all of them. K was the hit of the day. She just ran from person to person, high-fiving them and pointing out "Baby, baby" on all of the new baby gifts. It was a two-story house, so she had way too fine of time trying to sneak up to the second floor without me catching her.

It was after 6 pm before people started to leave. By the time we got on the road, it was 6:15. K watched a Little Einsteins movie, and we stopped at McD's in Waco to play on the playground and get a quick dinner. She slept in the car the rest of the way home.

We got in at 10:15 pm. That makes for a 13 hour day, but it was well worth it. I'm so glad I was able to go. My former roommate lives in Maryland, so I know I won't get to see her before the baby is born. I hope everything goes well for her. She'll be a great mommy!


Flawed And Disorderly said...

Wow! You did it! It sounds like it went so smoothly! That's awesome. DVD players are so worth it! I wish I had one when the kids were younger. It might have saved some hours of crying while traveling. Nothing quite so pleasant as being closed up (the lone adult) in a car for 3 hours with 2 or 3 screamers.

david santos said...

Erin, hello!
This text is very good
Thank you

Flawed And Disorderly said...

Hello! If you're interested, I tagged you for the music thing. No pressure, but let me know if you do it so I can read it!

headlesschickie said...

That Santos guy is sooooo random. Maybe he'll make some money if his profile views hit a certain number???

Anyhoo, kudos on going on a roadtrip despite the roadblocks. Glad y'all had fun!

In regards to the other posts, K is soooo cute. Funny that she is obsessed with babies. She might be suggesting that she wants one. No, she doesn't want one! Then she wouldn't be the baby!

Also, Eleanor looks like a big ol' baby!