Monday, February 12, 2007

Gone to the Dogs

My mom came to visit this weekend. She said Spring Break was too far away for her to wait and see K.

She got here around 8 pm on Friday, so we didn't do much. Saturday morning, we got up and went to IKEA, Pei Wei for lunch, and her favorite quilt store. It was a lot of fun (especially IKEA - I love that store!) and K was very good.

We got home and put K down for her nap. Mom and I just puttered around the house, read the paper, and made a dessert. When Gary got home from a judging gig (he's been home about 20 minutes this whole week) he and I got ready to go out. We went for an early Valentine's dinner, since he'll be gone next week.

Sunday morning started off pretty slow. Mom had a head cold, and felt lousy. The three dogs (our two and her one) were in the backyard. Suddenly, we heard horrible growling ans snarling. I ran outside, and my female had Mom's dog flipped over on her back, and was attacking her! My dog, Montana, is definitely an alpha dog, and she just doesn't want anyone to forget it. When Mom first got Jenny three years ago, Montana did that a few times, but they've been fine since then.

I grabbed Montana's hind legs and "wheelbarrowed" her off of Jenny. Mom checked Jenny out and she was shaky, but no skin was broken. Poor K was still inside and saw and heard everything. She was standing inthe doorway, crying. We brough Jenny in, and left my two outside. Sampson, our male, hadn't gotten too involved, although he did try to step in once I got Montana off of Jenny.

Everyone is fine, but it is the worst sound in the world to hear dogs fighting. Somewhere in the process of pulling them apart, I skinned the top of my foot against the brick steps. It is really sore today, but I guess that's better than a bite, so I'm pretty lucky.

Mom went home soon after that, and K and I hung out in our jammies for the rest of the day. It had been a fun weekend up until that point. Dumb dog -- I wish I knew what was going on in that little head of hers.


Ladybug said...

Yikes - how scary. Glad everything is ok.

Megan said...

Sorry to hear about it, E! I thought Montana was just tolerant enough to be with Jenny - guess not. Was K traumatized for long? Glad you had a good visit anyway! Go anywhere exciting for your date?