Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Road Trip!

My college roommate lives in Maryland. She is originally from Austin. She is expecting her first baby in April. Her sister is hosting a baby shower for her this Saturday in Austin. I really want to go, but hubby has to work that day, so that would mean taking K with me.

I was talking with another friend who was invited, and her husband is gone too, and they have two little girls. She said, "Let's just go and bring all three girls! I can fit three carseats in the back of my car!"

I definitely wouldn't want to make the 3 1/2 hour drive by myself, but with a friend, it will be really fun! I hope the girls either entertain each other or sleep. I'm not holding out for either.

Maybe we'll wear astronaut diapers so we don't have to stop. (I've been dying to use that line somewere!)

I just hope the girls are good during the shower. We realize we won't get to visit much, but it's the only chance we have to see our friend before she has the baby.

Seven hours in a car with three children whose cumulative age is under 8: priceless! (or insane!)

1 comment:

Flawed And Disorderly said...

I laughed out loud at the comment you left on my blog tonight. You are such a loyal reader and commenter. I always love seeing you've posted. If I've never said, thank you then THANK YOU! I promise I don't expect you to keep it up the rest of your life, but I so appreciate it! :D

And you are a very brave woman!!!! Road trips make me insane (more than usual). Good luck! We'll be making the trek to Dallas a week from Sat with our toddler trio. I highly recommend Benadryl if your child is likely to vomit. It doesn't make my children sleepy because I'm one of the unlucky few, but we've had two or three trips now with no vomitting thanks to the allergy meds. A pharmacist recommended it. It's much better than the smell of vomit that lingers in my car. Last time can't be blamed on motion sickness. :( Yuck! Good luck!