Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Go Baby!

I believe Go Baby! on the Disney Channel is both a blessing and a curse. It's a little 5-minute clip on between shows, and K is absolutely in love with it. No, she's obsessed with it. We tape it every day, since it comes on at 6:25 am. When we get home, she immediately runs into the house, grabs the clicker, forces it into my hands, makes herself comfortable on the couch, and authoritatively says "Baby!"

If you don't know what I'm talking about, click here: http://disney.go.com/disneychannel/playhouse/gobaby/showandtell.html

It's a little semi-animated baby, and it's really cute. The thing is, there are only 8 episodes. We have seen every single one of them at least 20 times.

I am ready to pay the production company to put a rush on the next batch of them. We've got to have more!

At least I know I can put it on and have 5 minutes of peace to check the mail, use the potty (yes, I said potty) or whatever. That's too short, though. I need to figure out how to play them all in a loop, so I can have a good uninterrupted block of time.

When the 5-minute show is over, K yells "Uh oh!" from the other room, and I know I'd better jump and put on one from another day. If not, it's a "Baby, baby!" screaming fit.

I've got them all memorized. Please, write Disney and urge them to come out with some new ones before my brain turns more into mush than it already has!

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