Monday, January 29, 2007

Sad Day for Horseracing

Barbaro died today. For those who don't know, he was the horse that won the Kentucky Derby last May by a dozen or so lengths. He was to be the next super-horse, the next shot at a Triple Crown winner. In the Preakness two weeks later, he took a bad step and shattered his right hind leg. After multiple surgeries and screws, he was stabilized, but always on the brink of danger.

Horses need equal weight on all four legs. That is why so few survive a broken leg. Barbaro developed laminitis in his back left leg, and had to have 80% of the hoof removed.

After 8 months, several setbacks, and no real shot at walking again with a natural gait, his owners and vet decided to put him down. They made the right decision, although a very tough one.

RIP, Barbaro.


Flawed And Disorderly said...

Awww, that's sad.

Now for the yelling part...

Or did you try to tell me and I didn't get it?

Congrats!!!! Yay! And that stroller was awesome!!!! I REALLY could have used that the past two years. I am the poster child for a mom being a prisoner in her own home b/c of no way to get children out and about. Oh well. I better get to bed before I fall asleep! I'm turning in early tonight!

Erin said...

I registered for the blog over a year ago, but I never did anything with it. I've been inspired by all you blog-gals. We'll see how long it lasts.

I didn't tell anyone about it. I just kind of started. It's an incognito blog. It's under the blog radar. It's invisi-blog.

I thought of you instantly when I saw that stroller. Oh well... maybe with the next 3 kiddos. Ha ha!!