Monday, August 04, 2008

From the Piddly Diddly Department

I am proud to say, I am the parent of a potty-trained child! It was a long and arduous process, and one thing (#2) took much longer than the other (#1), but we are there! I'm sure we'll have an accident here or there, but for now I am relieved of the diaper bag and all it entails. We still wear a Pull-up at night, but that's OK for now.

Yay! She can go back to pre-school next month!


c o'neill said...

Yeah for Kate!! Sarah is working on it and it does seem never ending!! She will NOT be going to preschool because she is not trained yet, but that is okay. Maybe in January she can go to "big girl" school!

Cindy said...

Yeah! Glad you were able to get that done before school started again. Don't be surprised if she doesn't have some weird relapses, but they should be short. Congratulations Ms. Kate! It must be nice to be diaper free!