Saturday, January 05, 2008

Extreme Home Makeover

OK, maybe not too extreme, but we have been doing a fair amount of rearranging to accommodate K's new play kitchen. We have cleaned out quite a bit in the guestroom, and now that is also her playroom. We got rid of the double bed that was in there, and ordered a daybed with a trundle. That should take up a lot less space.

We also got the computer desk out of there and moved it into our bedroom. Now our bedroom is stuffed with wall-to-wall furniture, but that's the room people see the least. They say your bedroom should be used for sex and sleeping only, but in a small house, you've got to make the most of your space!

Somehow the smallest person in the house is taking over, and she's got two bedrooms to herself, while we each have a half of one!


Dana Lynne said...

Ahhhh, so THAT'S what one's bedroom is for! Everything makes so much more sense now ;)


Yeah, it's incredible how much space these kiddos need, but isn't it so easy to just do it without even giving it a second thought? I love the daybed! Great idea! I think I need to suggest that to Richard... :)

Ladybug said...

The daybed is super cute! Once we get around to spending money on furniture, we're going to put a daybed w/trundle upstairs in the guest room (still not sure what room that'll be yet).