Wednesday, October 24, 2007

To Cry or Not to Cry

K has started this thing where she wakes up around 10:15 every night and screams bloody murder. She is inconsolable. The only thing she wants is "Dad's Bed." (Of course, I sleep there too, but I am secondary.)

So, we give in. In our queen size bed, which used to seem so large, we now have three people. She sleeps great. We sleep with feet, butts, and elbows poking us all night.

I know the right answer. I know what Super Nanny or Dr. Phil would say. Yes, my knowledge of child-rearing is limited to network television.

They would say it doesn't hurt them to cry. Put them back to bed. Be consistent.

Why is that so hard? She's only two, so it's not like she's 12 and wants to sleep in our bed. But I know I'm laying the groundwork for a bigger battle later on when I let her sleep in our bed.

I actually turned off the monitor last night. She was fine this morning, and if she screamed during the night, I didn't hear her. I got a great night's sleep. But I feel like Bad Mother of the Year.

Where is the happy medium? And where is my great sleeps-through-the-night child?


headlesschickie said...

Jackson is going through his "sleep with Mom" phase. Quite frankly, I enjoy it. Well, not the busting in at 1 a.m. part. But the snuggling him down and looking at his tiny hands and beautiful sleeping face. Although, we do have a king size bed!!

Cody had this phase, and grew out of it...just started sleeping all night. My mom claims I slept in my bed all night until I was 7, because I was the last child, and she didn't want to put a stop to it!

So don't listen to the experts on this one! I say, enjoy it while it lasts, or until it drives you crazy enough that you have the will power to fight the big battle!

headlesschickie said...

Correction, I DIDN'T sleep in my bed all night until I was 7. (Not that I believe her.)