Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Attack at the Library

Every Tuesday night, K and I go to the local library for storytime. It's really fun because in addition to reading books, we sing songs and play with a parachute. It's open to two-year-olds only, so it's just perfect for them.

They give everyone these little mats to sit on. K thinks it's fun to push hers around on the floor, or pick it up and play with it. During one of the stories tonight, she was just swinging hers through the air.




She let go, and it hit another little girl in the face! I was mortified! I felt so horrible for the other girl. I grabbed K and we dashed out of the room. Now we were in the main library.

I told K she could not do that, and she had to sit and be still during a story. She was looking around at all the colorful books (we were standing in the children's section) and saying, "Mom, books!" Um yes, we are in a library.

I sensed she didn't quite grasp the gravity of the situation.

By then, the other little girl and her mom had come out of the room too, because the girl was crying. I don't think the mom speaks much English, but I told her I was so sorry, and I made K go over and say "Sorry." The mom just smiled while she patted her daughter's back.

I didn't see any blood, so that's a good sign. I asked K if she was ready to go back in, and she said "Ready!"

She was slightly better after that, but not much. We did more action songs and the parachute, so she didn't have to sit still and listen.

My daughter, the bully.


Dana Lynne said...

These are the days of our lives...and I bet years from now (say, 14, maybe?), you'll look back on this event thinking, "Man, those were the easy days!"...or maybe you won't - funny how I'm somehow trying to keep it in perspective for you when I KNOW I wouldn't be able to keep the incident in perspective for myself! Accidents happen - Kate's not a bully, and we love you guys! :)

Cindy said...

Ahhh...the fun of dealing with rambunctious girls has begun! Peyton is taking dance right now with 3 other little girls. There are a dozen X's on the floor in tape where the girls pick a place to stand so they have room to dance. On the first day of class my daughter walks up to the sweetest little girl in there and shoves her off the X because that is where she decides she wants to stand. I was mortified! :-)

headlesschickie said...

well, accidents happen! at least you dealt with it! It's way worse when the mom just kind of brushes it off!!!